Ravin’ Girls S2 Ep.27: Circular Chicken


Welcome to Season 2 Episode 27, where we cover Chapters 44-49 of The Dream Thieves!

So much angst, practically every character hits bottom. That means the only thing left is up, right? Nievita tells basically everyone except Kavinsky to eff off, and Shannon calls Greenmantle a b*tthole which is basically the same thing. We talk symbolism in Feng Shui and Japanese buffets, and disagree on the extent that K is responsible for Cabeswater’s disappearance. There are some tears--but possibly not from who you would expect. Calla gives our first solid hints about how time works in The Chicken Cycle, and we award our most expansive MVC yet!

DEEP DIVE: Stereotypes and Media Tropes relating to Joseph Kavinsky (from approx. the 20:29 minute mark to 30:01, depending on your player)

CAUTION: In our Deep Dive we discuss the broad history of media portrayals of queerness and ethnicity. While we always try to be as sensitive as possible, we understand that this is a much more nuanced topic than we can possibly cover in 10 minutes. Please exercise caution while listening if you find this topic personally sensitive. Love!

Visit us at https://ravingirls.podiant.co for complete episode details!

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Next Episodes:
-- Ravin’ Girls S2 Episode 28, covering chapters 50-53 of TDT
8/22/19-- Ravin' Girls S2 Episode 29, covering chapters 54-59 of TDT
Past Episode Guide: https://ravingirls.tumblr.com/episodes

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Links to Articles, Websites, and Other Discussions:

Maggie has deleted her main Tumblr page: https://twitter.com/mstiefvater/status/1146493783925821443--she talks about the reasons why here: https://dkafterdark.tumblr.com/post/186116673566/maggie-stiefvater-i-feel-like-i-ought-to-do-a
You can find an archive to download here: https://ellipsea.tumblr.com/post/186064032760/ellipsea-hey-guys-had-a-fun-time-figuring-this
Maggie announced today (7/25/19) that there is a Tumblr that will be only for news and run by other folks here: https://maggiestiefvaterupdates.tumblr.com/

Ravin’ Girls has launched a Patreon and Ko-fi! Please take a look and consider supporting us at https://www.patreon.com/ravingirls and https://ko-fi.com/ravingirls -- Thank you in advance!

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The Raven Cycle and all affiliated properties (The Raven Boys, The Dream Thieves, Blue Lily, Lily Blue, and The Raven King) are copyright Maggie Stiefvater and Scholastic, Inc. The Ravin’ Girls reference these properties for the purpose of literary analysis.

Intro and Outro music by Damiano Baldoni, used under CC Attribution License: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Damiano_Baldoni/Lost_Dinasty/
The original tracks have been edited for the podcast.

Ravin’ Girls logo and banner art © 2018 Mio Mäkijärvi, All Rights Reserved. Please visit  http://kojotei.tumblr.com/ for more information.
