Ravin’ Girls S2 Ep.28: Never Come Alone


Welcome to Season 2 Episode 28, where we cover Chapters 50-53 of The Dream Thieves!

It’s Adam’s turn for learning about his life-altering mystical experience, while Blue and Gansey go out for a totally-not-romantic-let’s-never-talk-about-this drive through the Henrietta hills. Ronan has a chat with his (dead? dream?) dad, and the Gray Man gets some bad family news of his own. We compare our favorite pies and favorite paintings, Shannon covets the Lisa Frank tarot deck, and Nievita drops some seriously dark theories behind Prokopenko’s resurrection. Greenmantle says possibly the creepiest thing ever, and Shannon breaks the harsh news that fictional characters don’t know we exist.

DEEP DIVE: Rites of Passage (from approx. the 27:52 minute mark to 39:52, depending on your player)

Visit us at https://ravingirls.podiant.co for complete episode details!

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Next Episodes:
-- Ravin’ Girls S2 Episode 29, covering chapters 54-59 of The Dream Thieves
9/5/19-- Ravin' Girls S2 Episode 30, covering Chap. 60-Epilogue of The Dream Thieves
Past Episode Guide: https://ravingirls.tumblr.com/episodes

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Links to Articles, Websites, and Other Discussions:

@ireadya on Twitter is hosting a Raven Cycle recap contest from August 2nd to September 1st, in anticipation of CDTH. Entries must be a 1-minute video or 200 words or fewer, tagged with: #RavenRecap, #CallDowntheHawk, and #Contest on Instagram and Twitter only. Winners will be chosen by Maggie and receive an exclusive boxed set of The Raven Cycle. Full entry details at: https://calldownthehawk.tumblr.com/post/186722565600/fan-contest-raven-recap

We are planning a Season 2 Wrap-Up and 2 Year Anniversary Episode! We’ll talk about our feelings on The Dream Thieves, Season 2, and the last two years as a whole. If you have questions, comments, or favorite moments, we’d love to hear from you!

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The Raven Cycle and all affiliated properties (The Raven Boys, The Dream Thieves, Blue Lily, Lily Blue, and The Raven King) are copyright Maggie Stiefvater and Scholastic, Inc. The Ravin’ Girls reference these properties for the purpose of literary analysis.

Intro and Outro music by Damiano Baldoni, used under CC Attribution License: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Damiano_Baldoni/Lost_Dinasty/
The original tracks have been edited for the podcast.

Ravin’ Girls logo and banner art © 2018 Mio Mäkijärvi, All Rights Reserved. Please visit  http://kojotei.tumblr.com/ for more information.
