Thankfulness (and Work In Progress)

Hi lovelies!

Yeah, it’s one of those days—those days when people reflect on what they are thankful for. Only one day out of the year? No… we’re pretty thankful every day. What we’re thankful for, especially, is all of you folks who choose to spend time with us, who share us with friends, who talk to us, who laugh with us. I’ve made so many good friends because of the Raven Cycle fandom and the Ravin’ Girls podcast thank I can’t help but realize what a huge and positive impact you all have made in my life.

I’m re-editing Episode 0 and it’s like getting hit with a nostalgia-bomb. Like most shows, it really took us a couple of episodes to get into a groove, but it’s wonderful to go back and listen to how much enthusiasm and excitement we had. I’m thankful that while prepping Season 3 for Blue Lily, Lily Blue, I’m feeling that enthusiasm again, getting ready to really dive into the next book and hopefully bring some new and fun insights to the discussion.

The website is still a work in progress as we populate the archives with Season 1 and Season 2 episodes, and also try our hand at getting those transcripts started. If you have any feedback on the layout of the transcripts, or have an interest in helping us get the past two seasons transcribed, we would love to hear from you.

We hope today, no matter where you might live in the world, that you know how much you mean to us.

With heartfelt thanks,

-N (& *S)