Ravin’ Girls Ep.11: Glendower In The Back

Ravin’ Girls Ep.11: Glendower In The Back

Episode Summary:

Welcome to Episode 11, where we cover Chapters 30-32 of The Raven Boys!

Both Shannon and Nievita bring the salt this episode! We get into some mild dragging of Dick Gansey the Second, Neeve continues to be a terrible human, we reject the canon of Noah’s shoes, Shannon holds the line as Blue Sargent Defense Squad, and Nievita is just the worst at pronouncing names and doing accents. You’d think by now she’d learn!

Note: Shannon only almost caused the car to crash because Nievita put her ice cold hands on Shannon’s face while pretending she was Noah, then laughed so hard she couldn’t see to drive. It was justified on Shannon’s part.

DEEP DIVE: Holey Stones (from approx. the 40:00 minute mark to 54:20, depending on player) 

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Next Episodes:

5/3/18-- Ravin’ Girls Episode 12, covering chapters 33-35 of TRB

5/17/18-- Ravin' Girls Episode 13, covering chapters 36-38 of TRB

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Maggie’s editor, David Levithan, called the new manuscript “really fucking good”: https://twitter.com/mstiefvater/status/981594415566290944


We have an amazing new logo! Please visit http://kojotei.tumblr.com/ or https://twitter.com/tinlitheeum to see the artist’s other work, and please support them however you can! Thank you, Mio!
