Ravin’ Girls Ep.3: Sleepless In Henrietta

Ravin’ Girls Ep.3: Sleepless In Henrietta

Episode Summary:

Does anyone ever sleep in this town? In this episode, we cover three chapters that happen deep in the middle of the Henrietta night. We discover what Shannon finds spooky but Nievita loves, what the original draft versions of Gansey and Blue were like, how the Fae and corpse roads are intertwined, whether spelunking is really more dangerous than motorcycle racing, and Nievita’s headcanon for Gansey’s journal (it involves unicorns.)

Deep Dive: the history of Ley Lines and the folklore of Fairy Paths

Also mentioned: a possible SPECIAL VIDEO episode if we reach 100 subscribers. Tell your friends!

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Next Episodes:

11/16/17-- Ravin' Girls Episode 4, covering chaps. 12-14 of TRB 

12/7/17-- Ravin' Girls Episode 5, covering chap. 15 of TRB 

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Links to Articles, Websites, and Other Discussions:

**MAGGIEWATCH** Maggie’s tour appearances: https://www.maggiestiefvater.com/appearances/

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The Raven Cycle and all affiliated properties (The Raven Boys, The Dream Thieves, Blue Lily, Lily Blue, and The Raven King) are copyright Maggie Stiefvater and Scholastic, Inc. The Ravin’ Girls reference these properties for the purpose of literary analysis.

Intro and Outro music by Damiano Baldoni, used under CC Attribution License: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Damiano_Baldoni/Lost_Dinasty/

The original tracks have been edited for the podcast.
