Ravin’ Girls Ep.4: No Object Permanence

Ravin’ Girls Ep.4: No Object Permanence

Episode Summary:

Welcome to Episode 4, where we cover Chapters 12-14 of The Raven Boys!

So, who’s a socially awkward shitbird? Well, all of the characters, really, but Whelk in particular. In this episode we discuss Ronan and Gansey as old marrieds, Whelk being a genuinely distasteful human, how no one in the town of Henrietta seems to possess object permanence, and how sometimes your first instincts to help a situation are the wrong ones.

DEEP DIVE: Dowsing and pendulums

WARNING: These chapters deal with the direct result of domestic abuse. Please practice self-care while listening. We love you!

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Next Episodes:

12/7/17-- Ravin' Girls Episode 5, covering chapter 15 of TRB 

and a

SPECIAL EPISODE RELEASE-- covering the Raven Cycle Holiday Short Stories on 12/21/17!

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The Raven Cycle and all affiliated properties (The Raven Boys, The Dream Thieves, Blue Lily, Lily Blue, and The Raven King) are copyright Maggie Stiefvater and Scholastic, Inc. The Ravin’ Girls reference these properties for the purpose of literary analysis.

Intro and Outro music by Damiano Baldoni, used under CC Attribution License: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Damiano_Baldoni/Lost_Dinasty/

The original tracks have been edited for the podcast.
